Sunday, August 12, 2012

You Should Do This More Often.....

.....he said.

I picked my jaw up off the floor.

"You seem so happy after your pedicure and if it makes you feel so good and be so happy then you should treat yourself more often."

Holy Mother of Meatloaf.

Who is this guy and what has he done with my husband?  Never mind!  I'll keep this guy!

But he's right.  It was freaking amazing.  The spa is called OHara's and is clear on the other side of the city in where most of the seniors tend to live.  As a result my Pedicurist said that a lot of her clientele was aged.

She put on soothing oceany music.  I told her it needed seagulls because there are seagulls at the ocean.  She said seagulls are annoying when you're trying to relax.  I suppose so.

I soaked.  I had a sugar scrub.  I got pumiced and massaged and then the most epic part of the whole experience happened.....the paraffin wax.


I have never felt anything quite so heavenly.


Then she painted my piggies with a colour of my choosing.....OPI Extra Va-Vaganza which was part of the Burlesque collection.  My feets are super sparkly!

I really really liked the Pedicurist.  We really hit it off.  By the end I had her convinced she needed to go shopping at Pennington's for a dress, cute lingerie and shoes!  I said, "Hey, aren't you the one that's supposed to up sell me?"

It was awesome.  I'm planning on going back in August for a manicure.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Brandy~puppy the Super Dog gets to go to the spa tomorrow.  She is in desperate need of a new hair do.

I've been slightly worried lately and honestly, since her near death experience last November and subsequent surgery.....I tend to worry too much.  Anyhow, she's been a little off this week.   Hubby says I shouldn't worry and there's nothing we can do.  He's partly right.  It just breaks my heart that my little baby pup is on bonus time.

She's not sick.  That's true.  She's just been picky about her food this week.  And her potty breaks have been a little "loose."  But she's obviously not in pain.  I worry that I wouldn't be able to tell if she was in pain.  But her tail still goes and I guess that's a good sign.  I suspect that she just ate something that didn't agree with her and with a spunky doggie you never know what that might be.  We were at the farm last weekend after all and she wasn't in my sights at all times.

I did see her chase a large frog under a spruce tree.

Anyhow, last night Brandy got very excited when I opened the door to retrieve the mail.  We don't often use the front door.  She isn't tall enough to exactly see out the door and that's when Hubby got the bright idea to take the cushions off the couch and stack them to make the doggie more comfortable.

Why didn't we think of this before?

This is what it's come to! 

Note:  This was a blog post from July 27th.  We later took Brandy to the vet and found out she had an intestinal virus and our vet said she should have been sicker than she was.  She was on meds for a week and is almost good as new.  Although some test results told us we may be looking at kidney disease down the road. 


  1. hee hee... look at her on those cushions.. it's the princess and the pea...

    1. I would do anything for her. Tonight Brandy and I sat outside on the glider while Hubby got the lawn chair, LOL
