Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dream Intervention

I think two people came together in my dream last night to hold an intervention.  Dieting and weight loss was on my mind because I had received my letter to see a dietitian although I thought it was a nutritionist and it turned out to be a workshop and not a one on one consultation so.....I was upset by it.

In my dream, my school director [Boss really] who has recently lost about 35 pounds and my coworker, Andrea, who has never had to diet in her life I am sure, confronted me about my weight.  Well, actually they were making fun of me.  They'd never actually do that.  They are both good people.  I was really upset with them and stormed off to the bathroom where sitting on the counter was a bowl of cereal.  Go figure.  Oh and the whole thing happened at my parents house.

Dreams are weird.

Today I realized that the Andrea in my dream was only a namesake.  I know another Andrea.  A very creative, loving, pet mama who shares many of my same concerns.  THIS is the Andrea in my dream telling me to get in shape.  Stop being a lazy bones.  Get ready for New York!

Shortly after I got my iPod I downloaded the app, MyFitnessPal.  It is also a website.  I never used it.  I downloaded it because I had noticed my Bosses Mom had also lost a significant amount of weight.  She mentioned the app to me and it just happens to be the same one Andrea mentioned to me about a year ago.  Ugh.  What can I say?  I downloaded it and never opened it.  Funny's not going to work until you actually use it.

Well, I finally opened it.  OHMYGOD it's cool.  It keeps track of everything.  You can scan store bought foot via bar code.  You can store your own recipes.  It keeps track of exercise and makes suggestions and yes, it even said, smilingriderfan needs inspiration she hasn't logged in for 3 weeks.


I don't know yet if I'm going to attend the dietitian workshop.  It coincides with my work schedule.  I've got to figure that part out.  In the meantime, I'm going to log my food and get a good idea of what I'm eating and then next week I'll add some exercise.  

I've got to do something so people stop showing up in my dreams.


  1. TREE mendous! :)

    That sounds like an excellent start. You GO girl!

    Dreams are weird.

    1. Dreams are so many things coming together. A jumble of life and people and things. But it really felt like an intervention. I think it's really my subconscious do you expect to walk New York now? Get your lazy butt in shape!

      And the people I work with are all so good. They'd never say anything. Well, there was that one guy....but he doesn't count. Everyone is usually really nice and helpful and caring for one another.

  2. I've been dreaming a lot too. I need to start writing them down cuz I jump up and start my day before I mull over the hidden dream messages. What I have come to understand is that the dreams are really messages to myself. Our dreams are revealing what we kinda already know.

    1. I have some really crazy dreams. Usually I dream if I am on the verge of getting sick or if it's "that time". My Dad dreams crazy stuff too. I think having a good imagination makes the dreams vivid too.

  3. That is an excellent start. :)

    And I think a good plan.

    1. I am going to phone the number and see if there is something more personal or one on one I can do. I just don't think this workshop is worth missing work for. I did happen to discuss it with my boss too and she was as disappointed as I was. I just wanted to see what her perspective was...being the boss and how the taking time off work thing seemed to her. We both agreed that the information being presented was really available to anyone over the internet and that I should try to look into personal help.

  4. I also have a fight with weight loss. :(

    1. I was a chubby kid. Then I was an active teenager. Not slim but active enough to be an average size. It wasn't until after I got married that the weight piled on. Then I did a diet 4 years ago and lost 110 pounds. Then I got hypothyroidism and gained back a whole lot of weight. It was scary how fast it came on. Now I'm battling my thyroid and losing this weight that's come on.

      I think most people battle their bodies. Some just not as much as others.

  5. I have been battling my weight too. Things are out of control.

    1. We all battle it. Even the skinny people. It seems no one is truly happy with how they are. Food in moderation with exercise. That's all we can do. And live each day to the fullest.

  6. Hi Sandra, just discovered new way of contact without going to G+, I have decided I don't like G+, it is too much like chatting and not really getting to know someone. Now I have found this way I may just get rid of it.

    May I suggest that you forget about the workshop? Waste of your time and energy me thinks. I found eating what my body tells me what it needs and in moderation worked for me. Portion size is a big must too. The thing is if you deny yourself your treats the more you crave them and that is a well known fact. Have just a WEE bit of your monsters and you will lose the weight. Your tummy shrinks as you get more into that way of eating and you find you DON'T want to scoff yourself silly. I have been petiet for a few years now so have not put any weight back on.
    I take each day as it comes and have done for a long time now. More at peace that way too.

    1. I am a diet pro. Good for you for finding a way that works. I have a thyroid issue that makes everything really hard. I had lost 110 pounds before the hypothyroidism made me regain weight at lightening speed. I know what healthy food and portion is. Thank you for the insight.

  7. Sorry to hear about the dietician thing. A workshop doesn't sound anywhere near as good as a personal session. Hope you can get something sorted out.

    1. Yes. It was very disappointing indeed. Now that I've found this fitness pal thing...I feel like I am on the right track. I feel accountable and that's what was missing before. So it doesn't matter who I have to be accountable just makes me conscious of what I'm doing or not doing.

      I haven't responded to the workshop yet.
