Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Saskatoon Rock City

We have learned from past traffic jams - we are seasoned concert goers - that it is best to take a bus to the concert venue mostly to alleviate a certain driver's parking lot rage.  We catch the bus just a few blocks from home at the Confederation Park Mall Bus Terminal.  The KISS concert was no exception.  The other times we've done this, its been standing room only, but this time we lucked out.  Or maybe it was because no one wanted to ride with the Paul-Stanley-Wannabe. 

This ride was more eventful than the other bus rides though.  There had been a truck/semi accident that cut off the highway out of the city - the main route to Credit Union Centre.  Traffic was creeping along and down to two lanes.  The CUC is right beside Costco.....imagine if you were just going out there for some Costco buffet treats?  Anyhow, we arrived in plenty of time to wait for the opening act.

During this free time I was able to bond with the Lady Sitting Next to Me.  A spiky haired dude walked towards us.  Lady's Husband says, "OHMYGAWD, it's the statue of Liberty!"  If only I knew her name - I know we would be great friends.  I wonder if she likes donuts?

The opening act was BuckCherry.  Lady and I agreed we most definitely would not be running out to buy that cd.  They played entirely too long although the Two Girls who sat in front of us seemed to enjoy them.  But then they were the type who were in and out of their seats the entire time. [Washroom breaks?  Beer runs?  Smoke breaks?  I dunno]  This gives me a terrific topic for a future blog.....so be on the lookout for that one!

Moments before KISS took the stage there was a large amount of cheering as a group down below us entered the floor seating.  It was Shannon Tweed!  I'm pretty sure her sister and lot's of family were with her.....I didn't see if Sophie or Nick was there though.  The reason for this is that Shannon is from Saskatoon!  She turned and waved at the audience, paused for pictures and shook a few hands.  Then it was time for the real show.....

This was the best stage show I have ever seen.  It didn't leave me a ranting and raving lunatic like the Eagles concert did, but WOW!  There was amazing lights, pyro's and sonic booms.  There was a drum solo in which drummer Tommy Thayer complete with drum set lifted off the platform and the platform turned around.....all while he was drumming!  There was the moment that Gene Simmons spit fire and drooled blood then flew up into the rafters.  But the best part for me was this.....  Paul Stanley talked about being in Tim Horton's and said they have the best donuts!  He said that someone asked him what its like to be up on stage and he replied saying that sometimes he wishes he could be in the audience too.  That's when he said, "I'm coming out there with you!" and he jumped on a trolley and glided to the center of the arena to a rotating stage reminiscent of a 45 record.

After seeing an amazing encore we were able to find our bus to head home - a bunch of happy KISS concert goers with our ears a buzzin' from rock and rollin' all night long.

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