Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Music Teachers | Klassical Karen

I was in my third year of teaching when I decided that I needed more training.
  My student load was increasing and my employer at the time, Gordie Brandt’s Music was getting more confident in my abilities.  Remember, my background was mostly music played on the organ and mostly pop/rock music.  But, things were changing.  Technology was changing.  The plinkety-plink piano’s of the past were now high tech with digital sounds and disk drives.  They were considerably cheaper than an organ with the same capabilities.  As the market changed more parents were enrolling their children for for piano lessons.

The course that I was taught was Technics, TMA, and later TriTone.  They published a course for organ and a pop keyboard version.  The music wasn’t all that different, yet I knew I needed more knowledge…..more than I could teach myself.  So I checked into some other teachers at the music school.  There was a new teacher, Karen Berard, who had just moved to the city.  She was very experienced and was a top notch teacher.  She taught in the next classroom and we soon hit it off.  

My first lesson with her was an eye opener.  There was so much technical stuff that I had missed out on with my previous teachers.  She drilled me relentlessly.  Sometimes, I think she must have wondered how I got to be a teacher without knowing these things.  I wondered too why anybody had faith in me. 

I don’t remember what my lesson day or time was.  I know that I had one hour lessons before we had to teach.  It was fun.  Karen had a way about her.  She was my age and was strict…..without being strict.  If I goofed up, she would laugh about it.  She was patient.  She was silly.  Karen turned out to be one of my best friends.  

I took my Grade 5 Royal Conservatory certificate with her, but because of her changing circumstances she was not able to teach me for Grade 6.  I was able to do part of my Grade 8 certificate with her.  What I really learned from her was so much more than the notes on the page or what a minor sixth interval sounds like.  It wasn’t perfection, but an attitude…...or a way to be Me and the teacher and the student all rolled into one.  What ever it was, she made me willing to practice like I’d never practiced before.  

We had the same battles.  Karen was not overweight by any means, but always worked hard to keep thin.  We would go walking together early in the morning at the Communiplex and then sometimes we wouldn’t!  Sometimes she would show up at my door and say “I don’t feel like walking today… about we go to Robin’s Donuts?”  She once confided in me that she had moved around so much over the past few years that she had never really had any good friends.  She said I was probably her closest friend.  

One night, I showed up for my lesson at her apartment.  Karen greeted me at the door and informed me that they had to move again.  This time to High River Alberta.  Her husband had either gotten a job there or was going to go to school there, I can’t exactly remember now.  Her mother was there helping her pack.  It was sad.  

I talked to her once after that on the phone.  Then a number of years later, I heard she bought a new piano from my employer and was living in Red Deer.  Then one time, when I worked retail, I actually saw her mom.  It was a weird circumstance.  She came into the store and we'd always input into the computer where the customer was from and she mentioned the same town Karen had been from and I said as I often do "oh I used to know someone from there named Karen Berard" and she informed me that not only was that her daughter but that she'd just dropped her off at the airport.  

I finished my Grade 8 certificate with another teacher.  But I didn’t take any formal lessons after that.  What I learned from Karen was far more valuable to me than a certificate.  Lot's of the things she did in her teaching I also do in my teaching to this day.  As for lessons, while I think about continued education from time to time I also think I am pretty successful just the way I am.  I've had a lot of good friends in my life but I haven’t had a friend like her since.  If I ever have the chance to talk to her again, I would definitely say “thank-you.” 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Let It In

I had wanted to write a blog about our 30th anniversary and the Christmas that followed our wedding.  Truth be told I don't remember lot's about the Christmas at Fredlund's house and feel like I should because most people in Hubby's family recall that as THE Christmas.  Maybe it was because I was so new to the family and it was just all overwhelming.  I'm not sure but when I think about it I also think about all the family members who aren't with us anymore and that reminds me that even though I've been trying to share all kinds of heartfelt things on this blog, the holidays are not full of happy memories for everyone and some people are living with celebrating a first Christmas without their loved ones.  We are also that family.

It's been a year.  That's all I can say.  2020 was a cakewalk compared to 2022.  Stay at home and bake brownies all the time while working from home?  Sign me up because back then everyone was well in my family and safe.  2022 was a year where I didn't dare ask 'what next' and kept saying over and over God will not give us more than we can bare.  

It's been a test of Faith.  When the pandemic hit, we stopped attending church like most people.  We keep saying we need to go back but haven't.  We've watched like many do on YouTube.  I know attending church is important but I also think praying in the quiet stillness of home is what's helped me endure.  I'm reminded that no matter how messy our life is, God is there to help us pick up the pieces.  And man, 2022 has been messy.

I've had to lean on a lot of people.  Of course my family and friends were there for us but it was my coworkers who probably should get an award for the amount of venting they've endured!  At the same time, wow, what special people they are.  They listened without judgement and it really meant a lot.  The ice cream cake for my 50th birthday, which should have been a fun day, was amazing but happened during a time of grief and misunderstanding.  The Moderators on ABC Rider Fans just took over when things got really tough and they listened and listened and listened some more.  It's because of all of these people that when the holiday sparkle was slightly ignited back in November, I decided to let it all in.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Hectic Holidays

There's a Christmas mash-up medley that I love to teach called Hectic Holidays.  It's got snippets of every well-known Christmas carol and a few surprises too.  The idea of the song is to mimic what it's like to dash from store to store while Christmas shopping and hearing the songs being played in each store.  It's a great arrangement but not the easiest to pull off.

I was a piano teacher for about 10+ years when we moved and instead of continuing with that career at the time, I chose to work in retail.  If there's anything more fun than shopping for yourself, then its helping other people shop!  I worked for a women's clothing retailer which specialized in sizing from 4-24 and is no long in business.  Before I worked there, I shopped there, and one of the perks was the employee discount and of course you were made to wear the clothing while working.

The holidays were especially crazy and fun to work.  There were lots of specialty items that would be marketed just for season.  The polar fleece sweaters with adorable festive prints were favourites for many.  Wives would come in and set things on hold for their husbands to come do their Christmas shopping later on.  Some poor forlorn husbands would rush in on Christmas Eve expecting to still find the sweater their sweetums saw back in November and we'd have to tell them no, sorry, that's sold out.

The store would hire special staff just for the holiday rush and for the chaos that ensued on Boxing Day.  The change rooms always looked like a bomb went off.  Shauna was our fitting room guru.  I'd never seen someone create such magic in the helping and clearing of the change rooms.  I'm not sure I've even seen it since!  I have some really great memories of that time and sometimes I can still feel what it was like to be in the store at closing time, cleaning and folding in the quiet, and what it sounded like to close the door at the end of the day.

When I'd moved on to management with a different Canadian retailer, the mall held Midnight Madness.  The stores would stay open until midnight, and we'd all have to take turns working a shift once.  I remember one particular time we were lacking energy and maybe for some reason it wasn't that busy at that particular time, so I went down to the Starbucks on break and returned with chocolate covered coffee beans.  Myself and my coworker ate them, and the result was energy alright but also insomnia for the rest of the weekend!

I worked in retail for about 5 years when the fun left and the hours and staff drama started to get to me.  I remember walking into the music school and the director at the time asked, "what's taken you so long?" Teaching was really my calling and I'd gotten several signs that I was indeed meant to return to it.  While that's still true these many years later, I still try to be kind when I'm shopping and even the other day a cashier complimented me for being so patient with her.  I've been on that side of the counter and there's no point getting upset.  It doesn't prove nor solve anything.  If we can't be kind during the holidays then really, when can we be?

I've noticed a real return to non-covid shopping this year.  In my excursions parking lots are once again full and stores are bustling, and the Christmas tunes are flowing.  It's so great to see that maybe Christmas doesn't all come from an Amazon box after all.  If you are out and about doing your holiday shopping, soak in the atmosphere, be kind and thank your frazzled retail workers.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Christmas Cards

Do you send Christmas cards?

I had stopped for a really long time.  Before that, I was the person who had the letter written in October and had all my cards addressed and stamped to go out in the post December first. We would receive so many cards that we had a specially designed wreath just to display them all. Then over the years, we stopped getting a lot of cards in the mail and friends and family chose to send virtual greetings or not to send at all, so it seemed like there was less meaning in putting in all the time and effort and expense into sending cards.  

One year, I quipped, "sure would be nice to get something in the mail other than flyers and bills." and I even mentioned to Hubby how much joy it brought me to receive something in the mail that was personal and didn't require payment.  He simply responded with, "why don't you give that feeling to other people?"

He was right.  

So, I set out to reform my card list.  That was a chore.  Some people on the list had passed, lot's moved and some had grown up to have families of their own.  Just making sure I wasn't leaving anyone out or spelling names wrong was another adventure.  I had once had a really cool adobe type list where I could add the date and whether I'd sent or received cards.  Surely there must be something similar for this new tech world.  I mean, there must be an app for that right.  Well sort of.  I found an app for my iPad simply called The Christmas Card List.  For me this works perfectly.

I remember being a kid and sitting with my mom at the dining room table as she addressed cards.  There seemed to be an art to choosing just the right design and poem to send to each person. It took what seemed like hours just choosing and writing.  When I was in a store this past weekend, there was a couple picking out Christmas cards.  I overheard their conversation about who they needed cards for as they looked and selected.  It was very sweet.  I tend to buy a box of cards that are all one design so then everyone gets the same card.  That's kind of like wrapping all your gifts with the same paper.

I've done that too.

Sunday night after all the hustle and bustle of the shopping day I sat down with the box of cards and my card list app.  I had bought more than enough Santa stamps and I even had some American stamps left.  Sometimes the thought of the task takes more time than the actual task, but I felt good at the end of it.  It's a part of the season we seem to have forgotten about and it's important to continue to let our loved ones know we are thinking about them. Addressing the cards helped me reminisce about friends and family over this last year, which has been a hard one for not only me, but many others.  Maybe a joyous Christmas card will be winging its way into your happy mailbox soon! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Groovy Dog

After seeing an ad in the newspaper on January 7th, 2000 we drove to Weldon, SK and adopted Brandy from a family whose last name was Haldane. She was the last puppy.  She was born November 11th, 1999.  

A dog for the millennium.  She was my Christmas present that year.  She's been a gift every year since.

Through our 14 years together she has taught me some valuable lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Greet every loved one as if you haven't seen them in years.  We should be excited for those in our lives and we never know how long they are really there.  Everything can change quickly.  Never let a day go by without telling a loved one you care.

Nothing counter height is yours.  If you leave your drink unattended or drop food they belong to the dog.  In fact, nothing on the counter may be yours either.  That is especially true if it is slightly dangling over the edge of the counter or too close to the edge.  Leaving a steak on an open barbecue is definitely an invitation.  Always push the chair in to the table when you leave or you might be missing something off your plate when you return.  Also, none of the blankets in the house are yours.  They all belong to the dog who will promptly curl up on them and never give them up.

Embrace the change of the seasons.  Stop and smell the flowers.  Eat peas straight from the garden.  Stomp in the autumn leaves.  Plop your feet in the puddles.  Feel the mud between your toes.  Dash out the door on the first snow fall and frolic in the flakes.

Take time for yourself.  Indulge in a spa day.  Have your hair done.  Get a message.  Have a pedicure.  Buy some new clothes.  You will feel like a new, person after.

Breakable Christmas ornaments have no business hanging on a tree.  This is especially true if they are hanging down low because they will fall onto the floor and crash into a gazillion pieces.  Some breakable ornaments may be hung at a higher level however, the tree may fall over at any time smashing them to smithereens.

Go for car rides.  Travel.  See the world.  Drive with the windows down and let your hair blow in the wind.  Dip your toes in the water.  Find a new spot and make it yours.  Enjoy the sights.  Smell the air.  Be inquisitive.  Escape.

Protect your turf.  Keep an eye out on your neighbourhood.  Keep watch.  Make sure no one is sneaking around or messing with your stuff.  Patrol your yard and make sure everything is as it should be.

Remember when it's garbage day.  Always empty the garbage.  Inevitably a dog will Houdini itself into the garbage under the sink and spread it through the house if you don't take care of the garbage in your life.  This may promote the installation of child proof locks on said kitchen cabinet but a dog is always aware and one must ensure the door is always firmly closed.

Accidents happen.  Sometimes you poop on the floor but there's no point being upset.  Yes it's embarrassing but don't dwell on it.  Clean up your mess and move on.  No one else thinks about it anymore so why should you.  Everyone makes mistakes.

Be loyal and love deeply.

Know when it's time to go.

My little Brandy~puppy the Super Dog was diagnosed with a form of lymphoma on December 27th, 2013 and after a short rebound she went to Puppy Dog Heaven on January 27th, 2014, where she was greeted by her friends, Gonzo, Gunther, Lucy, & her mortal enemy Squeak the Cat.  She was The Mom's angel and The Dad's fur seal and will be greatly missed but forever in our hearts.

Mommy & Daddy love you baby puppy.  More than you will ever know.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Time I Sold My Soul To Retail

In what feels like another lifetime, I was a sales associate in a woman's clothing store.

Hubby and I had just built our dream house and I needed to supplement my income to contribute more to the mortgage.  Normally, I would take the summer off from teaching, but that summer I got myself a part time job at Cotton Ginny.  I shopped in that store.  I loved the clothes.  The people I worked with felt like family.

It was good that I had that part time job because when Hubby was transferred to Saskatoon my job at Cotton Ginny was able to transfer too.  I needed a break from teaching piano.  No one understood how burnt out I was but no one talked me out of working retail.  It was an easy job for me.  It was like shopping except I didn't have to buy the clothes!  I worked hard.  I was loyal.  I was told by the District Manager that what I did for the store did not go unnoticed.

My position was considered part time even though I had been getting full time hours.  What I didn't know when I transferred was that I had taken someone's spot who was on maternity leave.  This person, I called "Friend" and we worked together, but as I later found out, she held a grudge against me for taking over her position.  I had no idea all this was going on.  The was a revolving door.....liked to play games.  She liked to try to make me look bad and she liked to do things behind people's back.  In my time working for the company there were 3 managers at this store and this one was the final manager.  I can't imagine she was a likeable person in other areas of her life.

That summer, the company began reorganizing.  We were told that they were creating an Assistant Manager position in our store and everyone else would be part time and given no more than 20 hours a week.  Imagine that!  After having full time hours.  What a kick in the butt.  What happened was I was pitted against Friend.  There were many things I did that were considered my responsibility that she didn't know how to do.  It was poor timing, but due to a family engagement I went on a weeks holiday.  When I returned, Friend suddenly knew all of these things.  Not only that, but she flaunted her new knowledge in my face.

We interviewed for the job.  Friend got the job.

Manager told me that she had wanted me to get the job but staff found me condescending.  Right.

So I gave notice and got an Assistant Manager job in the store across the mall hallway.  I worked there a year.  Being an Assistant Manager was a good and yet horrible experience.

I saw the Music School Director in the mall one time.  She said to me, "You're working here?  Come see me."  Well, that wasn't the immediate sign that made me go see her, but it wasn't long and I did.  It was obviously meant to be because a full time piano teacher had just up and quit.  I was immediately hired and given a full schedule of students.

I worked retail for 5 years in total.

I used to miss the comradery.  I liked chatting with shoppers.  I loved having a new wardrobe all the time.  I gained much more though.  I gained weekends and holidays off.  I gained a shorter work day with more money.  Most importantly I got my life back.

Cotton Ginny closed.  The company went bankrupt.  I saw Manager and Friend move from store to store within the mall.  Staff seemed to do that in search of a better job.

This whole experience happened about 8 or more years ago.  Today, I went shopping at that very mall.  Some of the stores have changed.  I was shocked to look in the Dawgs shoe store to see Friend hustling her butt in her retail way.  At another time, I might have stopped and said hello.  Not anymore.  I've moved on.  It makes me sad because I wish she could have as well.  If she was so determined she should have tried for something better.  I can't imagine....even fathom....still working retail and being the person I am now.  I know that teaching piano is what I was truly meant to do with my life.

My manager in my home town said to me, "You are better than this Sandra."  I didn't understand what she meant.

But now I see it.....

.....and she was right.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sand Bucket Update 2 ~ A Weekend with Family ~

On Friday I scheduled a substitute teacher so Brandy and I could pick Hubby up from work at 4:30.  Hubby's "Brodder", Sister in Law & their grandson was visiting the In Laws for the last week.  Also, Hubby's Sister's two children were spending the month at their grandparents.  It was important to make the trip while everyone was home.

It is a 4 hour drive south east.  We stopped after driving for 1 hour in a town called Humbolt.  I had coupons for A&W.  We had two-can-dine-for-$9.99.  It was so yummy!  It was two teen burgers with fries and a drink.  We had to share some fries with Brandy.

On the way we listened to 620 CKRM and the pregame show.  It was the first Rider preseason game.  It made the trip go really fast!

"The Home Place"
When we arrived the TV was quickly turned on so we could watch the second half of the football game.  The Riders beat the Edmonton Eskimos 31 - 24.  WAHOO!

For some reason, Friday night Brandy thought it would be best to sleep with her head under this table.
It was a very rainy weekend, but Saturday afternoon it stopped long enough for the boys to get outside and find something to do.  Brodder in Law got some guns out and set up water bottles.  The guys loved...LOVED shooting the water bottles and soon ran out of targets and had to switch to bricks!  They laughed that when the bullet hit the brick there would be a poof of dust.  Hubby called it "shoosting."

Left to Right: Hubby, Brodder in Law & Father in Law
Baron is Brodder in Law's 8 year old German Shepherd.  Baron does not know he is a big dog.  He has the friendliest face and it is so expressive too!  He wasn't sure what to make of Brandy.  They'd met before.....twice even, but it's been a long time between visits.  There was a slow motion chase in the family room.  Picture this....Baron trying to get away from Brandy by walking away with Brandy trotting behind panting all the way!  In the end, they were BFF's and even shared each others dog food and water dishes.

Sunday was the last day of our visit.  Hubby's Grandpa came for lunch.  Grandpa turned 95 a few months back but is still as spry as ever.  You should have seen his face light up when we mentioned there was pie!  I'm pretty sure he had both the coconut cream and banana cream!

I was responsible for the whipped cream & decoration.
 It was a good visit but it went much too quickly.  We gave the kiddos gifts because we don't normally give presents except for Christmas and even then we are never together.  Nathan will be 10 and is devouring Hubby's Hardy Boys books.  We took 6 more books for him.  For Ava, we bought a toy pony that walked.  Cole was the lucky recipient of Hubby's baseball glove and ball.  He was so surprised with his gift!  It was awesome to see their happy faces.

Great Nephew, Nephew & Niece.
We set out for home and had fairly good weather the whole way.  I was happy that I only had the 4 hour drive and not the 3 day drive like Brodder in Law.  We made vows that we'd go visit them next year for sure.  I'm pretty excited to think that we'll maybe hopefully be able to make the trip to Oregon and Idaho!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Hood is a Changin'

When I first moved to Toon Town, I gave my neighbours nicknames because I didn't know their real names.  I had hopes that we'd be the kind of block that got together for parties and sat out on the lawn and had coffee and were friends.  None of that happened in the way I wished it would.  There was Neighbour Fred, The Rider Fans & Nice Neighbour.  I even blogged about them in another blog life.

Not all the original families are here.  Corrine was my immediate neighbour but moved away before we lived here a year.  There's been 3 families since Corrine.  Joel and Josie are the best next door neighbours we've ever had.  They do have parties and they do invite us.  Sometimes we go and sometimes we don't, but we always say hello and share our gardening tips over the fence.

Nice Neighbour is exactly what his name describes.  He's nice.  When he's outside working he'll wave.  He walks his little white dog and stops and talks.  He's told us he appreciates us as good neighbours.  He's chatted about our new fence and he's even said "Pop in for coffee, Dorothy and I would like it."  Dorothy!  That's the name of his wife!  Ten years later, I have no idea what Nice Neighbour's name is, but I always chat with him and I always wave back.

Next to Nice Neighbour is a new family.  I think they are Filipino and that's just fine.  There are little kids who ride bikes and play outside.  It's nice to see kids in the neighbourhood again.  There haven't been any for a long time.  So far, this family doesn't have a nickname.

Directly across from our house are The Rider Fans.  I called them that before I knew I was one as well.  They are better described as Tim Horton addicts though.  Whenever they leave, they always ALWAYS return with coffee from Timmies.  Yes, they still dress in green on game day, their little kids are clad now too, and so are we.

Next we have Neighbour Fred.  Hubby calls him Meticulous Neighbour because he is forever cutting his lawn or weeding or watering.  They've done a lot of work on their house.  Since we've lived here they've done a new gate, new driveway, and resided the house.  I'm sure there were renovations inside as well.....we just can't see them.  I've talked to Neighbour Fred up close a few times.  They've always been good and looked out for the well being of all in the hood.  I am thankful for that.

This spring Hubby was at work and was taking the elevator when a lady introduced herself as Cindy.  Here it turns out she is Neighbour Fred's wife.  Hubby had been working in the same building for 2 years in different departments.

When we first moved here their teenage boys would practise their skate boarding out on the sidewalk.  Brandy would bark at them. Then we watched them move away.  Now they return with little kids of their own.  It's the evolution of the neighbourhood  I suppose.

This evening I looked out the living room window.  There is a newly planted For Sale sign on the lawn at Neighbour Fred and Cindy's. 

It's sad to see a good neighbour go.  But on the up side, someone new will move in.  Maybe they'll be the sit on the stoop and visit type.  I'm hoping. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012


No.  This isn't a diet blog.  In fact, it might be the opposite of a diet blog.  Last night I went to a restaurant called Calories for a going away party for coworkers.  This was not hosted by the school director and was a "gathering" instead.  There are actually about 5 coworkers/teachers who are not returning for the 2012/13 school year but this party was really only for 2 of them.
Calories is located on the artsy-fartsy street of Broadway.  Yes, there is a Broadway here and it's not even New York.  Broadway is known for places like The Bulk Cheese Warehouse, the Broadway Theatre, The Better Good, The Mad Hatter and so on.  I managed to find a parking spot at the end of the block and around the corner. 

I arrived on time.  I was the second person there.

I had made the faulty assumption that this was for dessert since the meeting time was 7:30.  I had my face fixed for their famed cheesecake.  But upon finding out others had not eaten dinner yet I decided to order a plate called Fromage.  Fromage was a tray of three cheeses, seasonal fruit, and a baguette.  The baguette was so tough it could have been used to take someone's eye out.  But the tray itself was a fantastic work of art.  I wanted to take a picture of it and I should have......but I didn't.  Fail.I had a Saskatoon Berry Lemonade for a beverage.  The waiter said "ohmygod it's so good."  So I thought I had made a good choice.  Others were having wine because it was Wine Wednesday and 20% or something.  The lemonade was good.

We had a table to ourselves in the back of the restaurant.....there were about 12 of us.  It was HOT.  Now, I know that my hormones are playing tricks on me and sometimes I don't feel the temperatures accurately......but man, oh man, I needed a fan.  Not cool.

About half of our group left around 9pm and I really should have too, but I wanted that cheesecake, dammit!  I picked out the Oreo Cheesecake.  It took what felt like an hour to arrive at the table.  Not cool.  The cheesecake was good alright.  But was it the amazing-OMG-you-gotta-go-here type of cheesecake?  No.  I was expecting mind blowing orgasms of cheesecake.  Didn't happen.  Cannoli....seriously....cannoli would have blown it out of the water.
When I finally pulled away from the table and hugged my goodbyes it was 10:30pm.  I was so happy to be out on the street in the cool air.  The company had been fine but I was the oldest person there but by no means did I feel that old.  But the conversation wasn't even I couldn't hear everyone.  Ugh!  Once I was out on the street my immediate thought was "I'm too old for this crap!"  Also,  I just kept feeling like something was missing and several hours later....because the cheesecake kept me awake until 4am......what was missing was Hubby.  This experience would have been much better with Hubby and Hubby alone.  That's what made me feel most disappointed.

Today I found out one coworker who has been really great to me also isn't returning and I wasn't able to say goodbye to him last night as he didn't come to the farewell.  His classroom is next to mine and we've taught similarly as well.  I guess it's time for him to move on.  We can't all be I was reminded.....I am a fixture at the Academy.