Showing posts with label Saskatoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saskatoon. Show all posts

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Hectic Holidays

There's a Christmas mash-up medley that I love to teach called Hectic Holidays.  It's got snippets of every well-known Christmas carol and a few surprises too.  The idea of the song is to mimic what it's like to dash from store to store while Christmas shopping and hearing the songs being played in each store.  It's a great arrangement but not the easiest to pull off.

I was a piano teacher for about 10+ years when we moved and instead of continuing with that career at the time, I chose to work in retail.  If there's anything more fun than shopping for yourself, then its helping other people shop!  I worked for a women's clothing retailer which specialized in sizing from 4-24 and is no long in business.  Before I worked there, I shopped there, and one of the perks was the employee discount and of course you were made to wear the clothing while working.

The holidays were especially crazy and fun to work.  There were lots of specialty items that would be marketed just for season.  The polar fleece sweaters with adorable festive prints were favourites for many.  Wives would come in and set things on hold for their husbands to come do their Christmas shopping later on.  Some poor forlorn husbands would rush in on Christmas Eve expecting to still find the sweater their sweetums saw back in November and we'd have to tell them no, sorry, that's sold out.

The store would hire special staff just for the holiday rush and for the chaos that ensued on Boxing Day.  The change rooms always looked like a bomb went off.  Shauna was our fitting room guru.  I'd never seen someone create such magic in the helping and clearing of the change rooms.  I'm not sure I've even seen it since!  I have some really great memories of that time and sometimes I can still feel what it was like to be in the store at closing time, cleaning and folding in the quiet, and what it sounded like to close the door at the end of the day.

When I'd moved on to management with a different Canadian retailer, the mall held Midnight Madness.  The stores would stay open until midnight, and we'd all have to take turns working a shift once.  I remember one particular time we were lacking energy and maybe for some reason it wasn't that busy at that particular time, so I went down to the Starbucks on break and returned with chocolate covered coffee beans.  Myself and my coworker ate them, and the result was energy alright but also insomnia for the rest of the weekend!

I worked in retail for about 5 years when the fun left and the hours and staff drama started to get to me.  I remember walking into the music school and the director at the time asked, "what's taken you so long?" Teaching was really my calling and I'd gotten several signs that I was indeed meant to return to it.  While that's still true these many years later, I still try to be kind when I'm shopping and even the other day a cashier complimented me for being so patient with her.  I've been on that side of the counter and there's no point getting upset.  It doesn't prove nor solve anything.  If we can't be kind during the holidays then really, when can we be?

I've noticed a real return to non-covid shopping this year.  In my excursions parking lots are once again full and stores are bustling, and the Christmas tunes are flowing.  It's so great to see that maybe Christmas doesn't all come from an Amazon box after all.  If you are out and about doing your holiday shopping, soak in the atmosphere, be kind and thank your frazzled retail workers.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Humbug Bush

I LOVE Christmas decorations.  One of my favourite things used to be heading to the Hallmark store or Carlton Cards to see the newest decorations.  They used to come out in July and plenty of people would complain about it, but I loved it and looked forward to it.  Those stores no longer exist here so how does a Christmas addict survive?  Well, obviously, a trip to the Festival of Trees at the Western Development Museum (WDM) of course!

It must be 20 years since the first time we ever took in this event.  It used to coincide with the Sundog Craft Fair at SaskTel Centre but since that time the dates have changed.  It used to be a weekend where we'd kick off our holidays and go to these things with my in-laws or parents.  It was lots of fun!

I started seeing ads pop up on Facebook and checked into the dates and admission.  It's just $12.95 per adult and you get admission to the entire museum.  That's pretty reasonable.  The only issue was my Hubby's dislike of crowds, so it took a lot of convincing to make him agree to go with me this year.  We decided the best time to go might be Sunday during the Santa Claus Parade.

We arrived at a small line at the admission counter but after about a 5–10 minutes wait we were admitted to Boomtown.  The decorated Christmas trees lined the pioneer era street and white snowflakes dangled from the ceiling.  There were Christmas trees of every description and theme.  Most of the trees had white lights and themed coloured decorations.  Some stand outs were the Peanuts tree, the tribute to the Queen and two different trees decorated with teacups!  Hubby's favourite were decorated in contrast with black which really surprised me.  One tree even had a raven as the tree topper!  

The Christmas trees were priced and most of them had sold signs.  The most expensive was $1800 and included a wreath and other decor besides the tree itself.  

As mentioned, Hubby is not that fond of the season but then again, I have more than enough Christmas cheer for both of us.  He refers to our Christmas tree as "The Humbug Bush" and we often call each other Scrooge and Cratchet!  My Humbug, Christmas tree is not themed or perhaps the theme is purely CHRISTMAS.  There's lots of ornaments which are meaningful to me and were collected from trips, from students and from family.  There's every colour in decoration, Snoopy's, Grinch's, snowflakes, mittens, trucks...and the list goes on and on, all topped off with an angel.  Christmas lights are my favourite colour!  

I don't think anyone would pay for my tree.

Do you have a theme for your Christmas tree?  

We spent nearly 3 hours gazing at the Christmas trees, walking amongst the buildings, looking at the Eaton's display, the retro cars and marveling over the Gingerbread Lane gingerbread houses.  There was one house which was a replica from Home Alone called "Merry Christmas, ya Filthy Animal" and it was hard to believe that it was edible.  My gingerbread houses never look like that!

It was a very very good afternoon and if you have never taken in the Festival of Trees, I'd urge you to do so.  When we were leaving, the admission line was out the building and into the parking lot, so it is a very popular Saskatoon event.  They do have special events and pictures with Santa so it's well worth the time to check out.

Upon arriving home, we made a nice cup of hot cocoa basked in the glow of our Humbug Bush and I'd dare to say our Grinchy hearts grew at least one size.