Monday, June 17, 2013

Sand Bucket Update 2 ~ A Weekend with Family ~

On Friday I scheduled a substitute teacher so Brandy and I could pick Hubby up from work at 4:30.  Hubby's "Brodder", Sister in Law & their grandson was visiting the In Laws for the last week.  Also, Hubby's Sister's two children were spending the month at their grandparents.  It was important to make the trip while everyone was home.

It is a 4 hour drive south east.  We stopped after driving for 1 hour in a town called Humbolt.  I had coupons for A&W.  We had two-can-dine-for-$9.99.  It was so yummy!  It was two teen burgers with fries and a drink.  We had to share some fries with Brandy.

On the way we listened to 620 CKRM and the pregame show.  It was the first Rider preseason game.  It made the trip go really fast!

"The Home Place"
When we arrived the TV was quickly turned on so we could watch the second half of the football game.  The Riders beat the Edmonton Eskimos 31 - 24.  WAHOO!

For some reason, Friday night Brandy thought it would be best to sleep with her head under this table.
It was a very rainy weekend, but Saturday afternoon it stopped long enough for the boys to get outside and find something to do.  Brodder in Law got some guns out and set up water bottles.  The guys loved...LOVED shooting the water bottles and soon ran out of targets and had to switch to bricks!  They laughed that when the bullet hit the brick there would be a poof of dust.  Hubby called it "shoosting."

Left to Right: Hubby, Brodder in Law & Father in Law
Baron is Brodder in Law's 8 year old German Shepherd.  Baron does not know he is a big dog.  He has the friendliest face and it is so expressive too!  He wasn't sure what to make of Brandy.  They'd met before.....twice even, but it's been a long time between visits.  There was a slow motion chase in the family room.  Picture this....Baron trying to get away from Brandy by walking away with Brandy trotting behind panting all the way!  In the end, they were BFF's and even shared each others dog food and water dishes.

Sunday was the last day of our visit.  Hubby's Grandpa came for lunch.  Grandpa turned 95 a few months back but is still as spry as ever.  You should have seen his face light up when we mentioned there was pie!  I'm pretty sure he had both the coconut cream and banana cream!

I was responsible for the whipped cream & decoration.
 It was a good visit but it went much too quickly.  We gave the kiddos gifts because we don't normally give presents except for Christmas and even then we are never together.  Nathan will be 10 and is devouring Hubby's Hardy Boys books.  We took 6 more books for him.  For Ava, we bought a toy pony that walked.  Cole was the lucky recipient of Hubby's baseball glove and ball.  He was so surprised with his gift!  It was awesome to see their happy faces.

Great Nephew, Nephew & Niece.
We set out for home and had fairly good weather the whole way.  I was happy that I only had the 4 hour drive and not the 3 day drive like Brodder in Law.  We made vows that we'd go visit them next year for sure.  I'm pretty excited to think that we'll maybe hopefully be able to make the trip to Oregon and Idaho!