My husband and I agreed to not exchange gifts this year. It's one of the best decisions we've ever made. It took the stress away of shopping when neither of us had the time to shop or find gift ideas. As a result, we both enjoyed the lead up to Christmas so much more.
This idea isn’t for everyone likely. We just figured we buy whatever we want anyway so let’s do away with the secrets and subliminal hints and chances of disappointment.
I remember one Christmas when my parents were supposed to do the same thing.
Mom said, “Don’t buy me anything.” But Dad knew he should and always wanted to treat my Mom to some kind of extravagant gift.
In the 1980’s there was a local business that was advertising these new amazing coats from Norway or Sweden. LUDA coats. They were warm and very nice looking. Every evening after the news that store would do a fashion show on tv. It was a precursor to the infomercial. Dad had been into the store and arranged to have them model the couple of coats that he thought Mom would like. He watched for her reaction and then decided which one to give her for Christmas.
Unbeknownst to Dad, the owner of the store knew that Dad liked a coat too. So he contacted mom and she bought dad a coat.
I knew Dad bought Mom a coat. I knew Mom bought Dad a coat. No one else knew.
Come Christmas morning there were two identically wrapped boxes underneath the tree.
“What the heck is going on here” I’m sure my dad said.
Well, they each got their coats and I was glad to not have to keep that secret any more. They wore those fancy coats for years and years.
Neither my husband nor I caved and we stuck to the agreement of not buying gifts. Now, if only we could agree to stay away from the leftover Christmas baking!