Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolve to Evolve in the New Year

I set my alarm on my iPod to scroll "New Year New You....Get Up & Get After It."  I don't make resolutions anymore.  They just aren't realistic.  Over that past few years I've tried to evolve instead.  My list of improvements have included anything from live a more active life to read more books.  These are things that enrich my life and don't make me dread the changes in my life.

Since I gained this enormous amount of weight from the hypothyroidism discovery and all the other issues that seemingly went along with it I've battled food.  I don't smoke and I rarely drink so food is my only vice.  Food is not something you can quit.  I've continually tried to make changes to evolve the way I think about food and the choices I make.  Last fall, I downloaded the app MyFitnessPal which is also a webpage  After a short time of logging my meals I was enlightened to some of the choices I was making.  I stopped using coffee creamer.  Oh how I miss the flavoured creamy coffee but at the same time I cut my coffee consumption dramatically.  I probably drank less than most people to start with but now I only have 1 cup of coffee in the morning and it includes Splenda instead of creamer.  Instead of drinking 2 cups of coffee at work....with the cream and sugar, I switched to a travel mug of hot cocoa.  I switched the bread I buy and started to create better dinner choices.

Then I got sick before Christmas and it all went out the window while the boxes of Christmas chocolates floated through the door.

Oh well.

A long time ago, back in July, I talked to my doctor about seeing a dietitian.  The appointment was supposed to be in November, I think.  The appointment was postponed because the dietitian had to stay home with a sick child.  That was all fine and good because all the time I was questioning my choice to do this in the first place.  Then my appointment was made for January 2nd 2013.  There is no better time!  Out with the Christmas me and in with the new me.

This lady was awesome!  We went meal by meal with me describing a typical breakfast/lunch/dinner etc.  I described my teaching lifestyle.  I told her the things I was already doing and the changes I was trying.  She praised me!  Dietitian told me to take small steps when it comes to exercise.  She gave me an "Action Plan" which suspitiously looks like the "Practice Commitment" I gave my piano students.  Dietitian said to make a commitment to do exercise for X number of days in 1 week for X number of time and see how it goes.  Then the next week make a new commitment.  Oh how I loved that!  We discussed how going to the community centre for classes didn't work because of my teaching schedule and how I'd much rather do things at home.  She said even a commitment to turn on the stereo and dance for 15 minutes was better than anything.  I'm pretty sure I can take that advice!

I felt like I could to talk to Dietitian for hours!  We discussed the pros and cons of processed things and simple little things like fat content in mayo.  She said that most people consume more calories from condiments than actual food because we think we're only using a tablespoon of something when it's actually a tablespoon or more!  Dietitian liked many of the choices I'm already making.  She liked my hot cocoa choice at work and suggested a light brand.  We talked about lentils.  Yes.  Lentils.  I came home with a Pulses cook book.

Unfortunately, we ran out of time.  Dietitian said I am on the right track.  She said to keep tracking my food and making the small changes I have been.  She gave me her card and told me that I could contact her in the future if I needed any additional help or advice.

I wish she was my best friend.

I am feeling very encouraged.  In 2013, I hope to continually evolve to, as someone said to me, so my outsides match my insides.


  1. This blog made me smile ear to ear. Excellent!!!

    I am so happy for you! What a feeling!

    1. It was very good. She was super skinny though. But she says she trains for stuff and I suspect its marathons. She was super nice. She even talked about how everyone is trying to rid their houses of junk food by bringing it to work. lol So true! She was just ultra knowledgeable.

  2. *turns on stereo*

    Would you care to dogtrot? It's a lot like the foxtrot.

    1. Or Salsa? lol My stereo doesn't work that well. But I just downloaded a free download of Ke$ha. What's with the $? Should I start writing $andra instead?

  3. Tell me everything you know about lentils.. don't hold anything back

    1. Well. I have to read this here little book. But Lentils are in the protein category. They are just like eating meat! This means...bring on the hummas! Bring on the split pea soup! Bring on the GasX. lol

  4. Way to go Sandra. Am so proud of you. A great wat to start you fabulous new year.

    1. This has been an ongoing journey. It really started 5 years ago. I am secure in who I am. I am confident. I just want to be able to walk into any store and shop. I want to be able to cross my legs. I want to be able to bend over without making sounds. lol

  5. I'm glad the visit was a positive one. *hugs*

    1. I am so glad too. My niece's husband went to a dietitian about a year ago. He said the woman was more overweight than he was! He was offended that someone in the same boat was trying to tell him what he should/shouldn't be doing. So after hearing that I was worried that the person I was seeing wouldn't be able to relate to me. It turned out she was very thin but I think she was also an athlete because she talked about training for something....that makes all the difference in the world. She also mentioned how hard it was to get on track after the holidays. I instantly felt comfortable telling her my (almost) darkest secrets.

  6. So glad to hear the voice you have in this! Lentils rock for the reasons you mention and I love them too because they have good flavor. Yay!!!!

    1. I am surprised with the recipes in this booklet. It's not only lentils but chickpeas and beans and such. There's a recipe for homemade hummas!

  7. So pleased the appointment went so well - clearly worth the wait. I think being realistic is a huge step in battling anything. No good setting yourself up to fail. You sound really positive so that's good. I like the idea of dancing rather than exercising. But lentils....... one of my first culinary efforts was lentil soup. Edible it was NOT! I think it put me off for life. But it you love that sort of thing - way to go!

    1. Thanks Wendy! And so good to hear from you!

      I felt like this lady was just so realistic. She didn't say I must do X number of workouts....she just what is manageable and likeable and work up to something else. She's so right! Back when I lost the 110 pounds....I only worked out 3 times a week. I have to remember it's not an all or nothing thing.
