Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Humbug Bush

I LOVE Christmas decorations.  One of my favourite things used to be heading to the Hallmark store or Carlton Cards to see the newest decorations.  They used to come out in July and plenty of people would complain about it, but I loved it and looked forward to it.  Those stores no longer exist here so how does a Christmas addict survive?  Well, obviously, a trip to the Festival of Trees at the Western Development Museum (WDM) of course!

It must be 20 years since the first time we ever took in this event.  It used to coincide with the Sundog Craft Fair at SaskTel Centre but since that time the dates have changed.  It used to be a weekend where we'd kick off our holidays and go to these things with my in-laws or parents.  It was lots of fun!

I started seeing ads pop up on Facebook and checked into the dates and admission.  It's just $12.95 per adult and you get admission to the entire museum.  That's pretty reasonable.  The only issue was my Hubby's dislike of crowds, so it took a lot of convincing to make him agree to go with me this year.  We decided the best time to go might be Sunday during the Santa Claus Parade.

We arrived at a small line at the admission counter but after about a 5–10 minutes wait we were admitted to Boomtown.  The decorated Christmas trees lined the pioneer era street and white snowflakes dangled from the ceiling.  There were Christmas trees of every description and theme.  Most of the trees had white lights and themed coloured decorations.  Some stand outs were the Peanuts tree, the tribute to the Queen and two different trees decorated with teacups!  Hubby's favourite were decorated in contrast with black which really surprised me.  One tree even had a raven as the tree topper!  

The Christmas trees were priced and most of them had sold signs.  The most expensive was $1800 and included a wreath and other decor besides the tree itself.  

As mentioned, Hubby is not that fond of the season but then again, I have more than enough Christmas cheer for both of us.  He refers to our Christmas tree as "The Humbug Bush" and we often call each other Scrooge and Cratchet!  My Humbug, Christmas tree is not themed or perhaps the theme is purely CHRISTMAS.  There's lots of ornaments which are meaningful to me and were collected from trips, from students and from family.  There's every colour in decoration, Snoopy's, Grinch's, snowflakes, mittens, trucks...and the list goes on and on, all topped off with an angel.  Christmas lights are my favourite colour!  

I don't think anyone would pay for my tree.

Do you have a theme for your Christmas tree?  

We spent nearly 3 hours gazing at the Christmas trees, walking amongst the buildings, looking at the Eaton's display, the retro cars and marveling over the Gingerbread Lane gingerbread houses.  There was one house which was a replica from Home Alone called "Merry Christmas, ya Filthy Animal" and it was hard to believe that it was edible.  My gingerbread houses never look like that!

It was a very very good afternoon and if you have never taken in the Festival of Trees, I'd urge you to do so.  When we were leaving, the admission line was out the building and into the parking lot, so it is a very popular Saskatoon event.  They do have special events and pictures with Santa so it's well worth the time to check out.

Upon arriving home, we made a nice cup of hot cocoa basked in the glow of our Humbug Bush and I'd dare to say our Grinchy hearts grew at least one size.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

O Tannenbaum

If you are feeling like you should be in the Christmas spirit and just aren't feeling it, there's one sure thing to help you out.  

Smelling Christmas trees.

Back in 1993, we purchased an artificial Christmas tree from Zellars.  Back then it was all up to you to put on your own lights and pre-lit trees were just a fantasy.  Zellars was having a sale and these trees were so popular they'd sold out and so when I went to buy one, they actually substituted with a more expensive tree for the same price of $59.99.  All these years later we still use that same tree even though it loses needles like a real tree.  The only thing missing is the smell.

I don't mean the smell of the light bulbs burning the tinsel on the tree either.

That's a childhood sensory memory isn't it!

In Saskatoon, in my opinion, the best place to fill your nostrils with seasonal scents is Dutch Growers.  Dutch Growers is a locally owned gardening centre and retail store.  In the summer months they sell plants and anything to do with gardening and in the fall winter they convert to hay bales and then Christmas trees and decorations!   

There weren't a lot of shoppers there when we arrived, and we wandered around the Balsams with noses in the air before going to examine every Christmas decoration with an effort to pick out just the exact special additions to our tree.  I love anything retro and reflective.  I also love the whole red truck theme.  Indeed, I did find some treasures.

At one time, Hubby's parents would visit us the first weekend of December to kick off their holidays season.  We'd take in the Sundog Craft Fair, go shopping at Costco and Midtown and drive through the Enchanted Forest at the Forestry Farm (zoo).  One time after we'd done the Enchanted Forest we stopped at Dutch Growers and that will always be one of those warm fuzzy memories.  The store seemed so pretty and sparkly.  It's probably why I enjoy going back at this time of year every year.

Do you have a favourite Christmas tree memory?  Does the smell of a tree make you reminisce?  Is there a place you can go to indulge your senses?  It's does wonders for our hearts to seek out these experiences.  Some of us have had really tough years and we need to find happiness wherever we can.

Even in a garden centre. 🎄

Thursday, November 24, 2022


There's all this talk about Advent Calendars but do you know what Advent really signifies?  When every company is promoting their products through a countdown box, what is it we are really supposed to be doing during the holiday season?  Well, I'm here to help settle the question or in the very least explain the intention of the advent season.

It's simple really.  Advent is the period of time in which Christians prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus.  Advent begins not on December 1st as the calendars would have us believe, but rather on the 4th Sunday prior to Christmas Day or the Sunday which falls closest to November 30th.  So that would mean the first Sunday in Advent for 2022 is November 27th. How do we celebrate Advent?  Well, of course it varies wildly depending on your faith, church and religion.  The lighting of an Advent wreath seems to be one of the most popular customs.  The wreath consists of a candle for each Sunday in Advent and are different colours to represent different meanings. Three purple, one pink and one white.  Purple represents repentance and royalty, pink means joy and rejoicing and the white means purity and light.  Each Sunday in Advent a different candle is lit and scripture is read.  If this custom interests you, read more about it here on Learn Religions.

Do you acknowledge Advent?

Our lives ebb and flow and sometimes we pay attention to these rituals and sometimes we don't.  I do have some great memories from some Advent celebrations!  Hubby and I were planning our wedding back in 1992.  We picked a date a week before Christmas.  The church we attended asked us as part of our marriage counselling to light an advent candle on a particular Sunday.  Nearly 30 years later, I cannot recall which Sunday it was, but it seems like it might have been the first one.  

I've also attended Christmas Eve services which of course is the culmination of Advent.  One of my favourite memories is attending with my friend Olivia and her husband Ross.  We had never been to their church before and upon entering were given a scrap of wrapping paper.  During the service we were told to crunch is up and throw it on the floor.  We weren't allowed to pick it up.  By the end of the service, we'd found out the meaning behind this.  It was about leaving our worries and giving them up to God and how He is there to help clean up our messes.  That's not the only reason this service was memorable.  At the end, everyone was given a candle and one by one they were all lit.  The Congregation stood around the perimeter of the sanctuary with lit candles, and it was really quite beautiful.  Then Ross leaned over and whispered, "I wonder what the fire regulations are in here!"  It still makes me chuckle!

During the pandemic, we'd stopped attending church and like many churches the services went live on streaming platforms.  Ours went on YouTube and still does.  Christmas Eve 2020, Hubby and I had a nice meal and then sat in our living room with tree all aglow watching the service on our 55-inch tv.  It seems so simple but that year it felt really special.

At the writing of this post, I cannot tell you what our plans are or how we will be involved with Advent or even the Christmas holidays this season.  I do hope that I keep the meaning of Christmas alive in our home and even as we open the little doors on our calendars to see what gifts are in store.  We do have so much to be thankful for this year and always.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Advent Calendars Galore

Advent Calendars aren't something I remember having growing up.  That's not to say they didn't exist, but I only recall the chocolate ones and I don't think I ever had one as a youngster.  Over the last several years, countdown and advent calendars have definitely evolved from the chug all the chocolate on December first type.  You can have an advent calendar of every type these days.  I have jumped in with both feet over the last couple of years and 2022 is no exception.

The gateway calendar is a chocolate countdown.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with picking up the regular chocolate calendar from your local Walmart.  Pretty much every chocolate company makes one.  I even saw one priced for $1.99 at the Shoppers Drug Mart.  I'm sure they're all completely enjoyable.  It seems, although I don't know from experience, that the Lindt calendars which I've seen at Costco seem to be one that many enjoy.  There really isn't bad chocolate is there?  

If you are a tea drinker like I've become then you'll know that one of the most adored calendars is produced from David's Tea.  The first one I purchased was lovely and I really looked forward to having a special cup every evening.  Customers ooh and ah over the designs every year and this countdown is one of the few which will give more than 1 cup of tea behind every door.  This worked nicely for me if I enjoyed a particular flavour more because then I got to have extra cups.  Lot's of calendars will provide one tea bag behind every numbered door.  You may want to take that into consideration when purchasing.  You want the most bang for the buck right!  

Another sought after tea advent calendar is from Bird & Blend which is a tea retailer in England.  I've been fortunate enough to have had this one the last couple of years.  Their flavours are unique and really great.  The big consideration with ordering with them is the shipping and handling and let's face it...we've all tightened our purse strings a little so while I LOVE this company whole heartedly, I have not purchased this one for 2022.  What they provide that's a one-of-a-kind experience is a message board dedicated to their calendars and sharing with other tea drinkers.

So what did I buy this year?  

I purchased 3 advent countdown to Christmas calendars.

Actually 4...but one isn't for me.

I purchased a tea advent calendar from Tea At The White House which despite its name is a Canadian tea company.  This is a company in Ontario and when surfing their website, I'd compare them to the British Bird & Blend.  They boast flavours like Sticky Toffee Pudding and Royal Chocolate Biscuit Cake.  How could you possibly not want to test your taste buds with those?!  This was very affordable and easily ordered.  Each day consists of one tea bag and it's a mixture of non-caffeinated and caffeinated.  I just wish I had also ordered their scone mix as well...

...I wish I had the scone mix because I also ordered the Bonne Maman calendar.  I saw this one all over social media last year.  It is a little tricky to get in Canada, but I was alerted by Youtuber Tea With Jann that it could be ordered from Papa Jack Popcorn.  Bonne Mamman makes one of the best strawberry jams I've ever had and so much so I've gotten other family members hooked on it.  They make a HUGE array of flavours.  So, for the month of December, breakfasts will consist of toast and jam, English muffins and jam, crumpets and get the idea.

The most expensive advent calendar I spoiled myself with is from The Body Shop.  As I said, literally everyone is coming out with these little gems, but the Body Shop countdown is anything but little.  I stumbled upon it back in early September when visiting the store for some hand lotion.  Not only was it on promo for its release but I was able to apply some loyalty coupons to the purchase and voila!  It came home with me.  The Body Shop has two calendars and the one I liberated was the lesser priced of the two.  I've opened it and looked at the numbered boxes several times and I cannot wait to dive in on December 1st.  I'm assuming the products are perhaps travel sized, but we have to wait and find out.  I only dream of how luxurious the higher priced version must be!

The advent calendar which I purchased for someone else aka Hubby was a cheese calendar.  Hey, I said they make them these days for everyone.  It was already on my radar when I stumbled upon it in the deli section of my local Co-Op Marketplace.  It must be refrigerated and is hidden in the bottom of our fridge so the mouse in the house doesn't decide to imbibe early.  I also suspect I won't get many samples nor photos to share here or anywhere else.  That being said, I will try to post a review in some form or fashion upon its completion.

So those are the advent countdown calendars hidden away in my house.  Which one are you getting this year?  Is this something your family participates in?  

I'd like to give an honourable mention to a calendar I had last year which I thoroughly enjoyed was a Keurig coffee countdown which I purchased from a fantastic store called Ecs Coffee.  I completely would have purchased it this year as well, but believe it or not, I did show some restraint with the boxes I did buy.  We can't have them all!  If you have a coffee lover in your life, by all means check this one out!

Every holiday season, I share mostly on Instagram what I've enjoyed each day so you can check that out when the time comes.  I'm thinking of also writing blogs for my favourite of the week here as well.  Regardless, how excited are you to dive into the holiday festivities!  I know I can hardly wait.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Any Way The Wind Blows

There hasn't been much going on in the CFL lately.  Pieces of news have been few and far between.  They've resorted to articles about players pets and who can be named best dressed CFLer.


* crickets *

...a dog barks in the distance...

🎵 a birdie chirps...

With this lull in activity every off season I find that my own rabid fan status wains and I wonder over to other activities and my influences change.  Some people turn to other sports - Saskatoon Rush, Nascar and hockey of course. Many of you haven't known me a long time but March seems to be a time for when I explore.  There was the Dean Martin infatuation of 20-something.  We won't discuss the whole vampire thing. Last year I researched my family tree and actually found a cousin living in Montreal who I didn't know existed. This off season was going along like normal and then in February I watched (finally) Bohemian Rhapsody and it seemed like everything changed for me.

I've made no secret that while I write this blog and am administrator for ABC Rider Fans, that in "real life" I am a piano teacher.  While I've always maintained that music is what I do - it's not my's an illusion because it really does consume my life.   Where I am able to strike a balance is that I only teach after school hours so while you are likely gearing up to go home after your work day, I am gearing up to start teaching.  'Tis the life of a musician I suppose.  What these hours allow me to do is follow football during those off times except when I need to do research or find music or actually come up with a plan or strategy for my lessons, which by the way is unpaid time but I'm dedicated and I do it happily.

So there I was coasting through CFL off season and coping with some other health things that always seem to crop up at this time of year but you know everyone has "stuff" to deal with.  One of my best student if I'm honest (and fav but don't tell the others!), is playing Bohemian Rhapsody for the SAM music festival in May which runs close if not at the same time as Roughrider training camp.  We had decided on this selection before Christmas so it had nothing to do with my off season doldrums but everything to do with the reason one quiet Saturday night I decided I should watch the movie.  I called it Professional Development. I actually streamed A Star is Born the same night but for whatever reason (I'm heartless?) it had zero effect on me, yet the story of Freddie Mercury made me feel a whole myriad of things that I can't even begin to sort out or explain in any form.

I was 18 when Mercury died from Aids in 1991 and when I think back to "me" back then I often refer to myself as a stupid teenager.  Maybe I was just oblivious? I remember the news but life went on.  I didn't realize until now how excruciating that event actually was.  Is it possible to mourn someone nearly 30 years later?  Well just like I seem to be stuck in this musical cycle, many football fans are stuck as well.  Bring back Dressler is one of the newest cries.  When will Rider fans move on?  Are we still in 2009 mourning too?  The Roughriders need to continue to move on to the future instead of looking back.  Unlike, Queen's front man, most football players are replaceable even if we've loved their character and personality.  To everything there is a season.  The show must go on.

With most things in my life even when I don't think music plays a roll it's there in the background noise.  If you're still with me here and wondering what any of this has to do with the football blog you've grown used to reading well it made me realize how much I've grown in all ways and continue to evolve and how fortunate...blessed really, I am to have a slightly successful page which is somewhat accepted by a mostly male dominated sort of hobby and industry.  No one ever told me I couldn't and I always knew I could do things, mostly artistic types of things with extreme ease.  I can do anything! I've often said. So while Roughrider football is an obsession in my life, music is a thread weaving itself deeply through it.  A team wins a championship - We Are The Champions.  A Calgary Stampeders game comes to an end - Sweet Caroline.  The Saskatchewan Roughriders score a touchdown - Green is the Colour.
"Like" and "Follow" ABC Football on Facebook for my latest musings.
When the city of Regina hosted the 2013 Grey Cup they knocked the halftime show out of the park by having flying snowmobiles and a rocking Hedley (at the time) group.  Randy Ambrosie said that the Riders pitch was so good they could have landed the Olympics so naturally that makes me question what kind of half time show was pitched.  Does the halftime show need to be Canadian or should they reach farther into the stars to bring the most epic halftime ever?  Can both be done?  What's your opinion on this and who would you like to see as the 2020 halftime show? 

This time of year - March, the cold snap finally comes to an end and we are looking for signs of life.  While it'll be a while until we see daffodils here in Saskatchewan, birds are returning and the snow is sinking as the sun grows higher and higher in the sky.  Our beloved CFL teams will be re-awakening after all the moves in free agency.  The CFLPA negotiations will get settled.  Soon it'll be draft day. Some people are already looking forward and talking about training camp in Saskatoon.  Our passion is renewed.  The season is renewed.  We feel anew.

I'm ready for the next chapter.

Go Riders.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

10 Thought Tuesday ~ Lions & Lambs ~

Wow! It's been a long time hasn't it?  What can I happened.

1.  What is the deal with shoes and clothes and good retail staff who not only know what they're talking about but are actually helpful? When I was a retail slave there was coaching and protocol on everything you do for a customer from the moment they walk into your store.  Now you are lucky to get a hello and incredibly fortunate to actually find someone willing to help you.  Womens fashion is hard enough to navigate in the best of times and then we have to deal with this nonsense.  This is why my two favorite stores have been and still are Reitman's and Penningtons.  They are the most consistent.

2.  I've lost 41.8 pounds since August.  When I tell people they ask what I'm doing.  The sincere answer is...I am eating food.  Shocking I know.  What I am doing is eating approximately 5 times a day...3 meals with 2 snacks and I am choosing more fruit and veggies.  I am also using portion control.  The biggest eye opener that I can expain is this...I can eat 2.5 Halo tangerines (at 44 calories each) or ONE chocolate cookie.  And we all know I wouldn't just eat one cookie.  But who eats nearly 3 oranges in a sitting?  No one.  So I discovered I get more bang for the buck so to speak with the fruit and veg...meaning I can actually eat more!  *kaboom*  And that's what I've been doing.

3.  In 1 month I will be headed back to the Big Apple.  This trip we are staying near Times Square and hope to be able to do more evening type things.  The only issue seems to be that the hotel may or may not have free wifi so the possibility of staying in touch while away is up in the air.  I have a new suitcase and new walking shoes and can't wait to try either one out.  Cannoli and pizza here I come!

4.  I have recently watched the entire Sex and the City series.  I had watched the first 3 seasons a year ago and lost the interest but a few weeks I picked it up again.  I have to say the final season was possibly the best one.  It had so many important storylines.  I also noticed that even though it was filmed late 90's to early 2000's much of the subject matter is still relevent.  So now that it's over I've moved on to finishing the Friends series.

5.  Chocolate covered raisins.  I am obsessed with chocolate covered raisins.  I need an intervention.

6.  My parents gave us a "breakfast station" for Christmas.  It's a waffle iron on one side and in the other you can make pancakes or omelettes.  I've used it every single day.  I use the pancake side to make eggs or grilled cheese sandwiches!  On Sunday mornings it has become our ritual to have waffles.  The ritual originated from it being "game day" and having Roughrider pancakes.  I have to admit...waffles are better.  They are pancakes with abs.

7.  It's March 3rd and it's been snowing.  They say March comes in like a lion or goes out like a lamb.  I am thinking this is true.  The long term forecast has great temperatures from here on in.  I'm thinking I might be able to disregard the winter jacket (which is now too big) and wear the black spring jacket (which is also roomy).  It is still very much boot weather and it seems won't be flip flop weather for some time.

8.  Informal pole:  When someone says "Canada's Team" ( and for argument sake "America's Team" ) what team do you think of?

9.  Every time music exams come around I say I am never going to register as many studnets as I did last year because it is amazingly nerve wrecking and stressful.  I keep doing it.  Gah!  I only had 3 for February and they did great because I make sure my students do well but there is always that small bit of doubt that they won't do well.  For June, I will have at least 4.  The exams will fall right around the same time as music festival does.  So it appears I have done it again.  *facepalm*

10.  My new favorite tuesday thing is a CBC show called Schitts Creek.  It stars Eugene Levy and the mom from Home Alone.  It's about an uber rich family who lose it all except the deed to this town Schitts Creek.  So they are forced to move there and try to have a life.  It's great.  It's tongue in cheek and fresh.  If you can, check it out because we all deserve a chuckle.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

10 Thought Tuesday ~ Back to Work ~

I've neglected my blog.  *hangs head*  So today when I got the writing itch and am feeling a little down over having to head back to work after my two months of summer vacation, well, what better way to get back in the groove?! 

1.  Hubby says "It's time to go make some  money."  He's right.  I am priviliged to get this time off.  We are blessed to have a lifestyle which allows me to take the time off.  It's something I look forward to and time I cherish.

2.  I went to two football games. I came home with bruises both times.  The first game I smacked my thigh on the metal thing on the back of the bleachers.  I got a big honkin' bruise which took weeks to go away...about that time we went to another football game where I repeated the action.  Most people get bruised from playing the game and not merely watching it.

3.  I went to a three day "classic" rock concert....but only took in 2 days.  The even was called Rock the River and took place at the Bessborough Hotel overlooking the South Saskatchewan River.  I saw Doug & the Slugs, Harlequinn, Honeymoon Suite, Lee Aaron, Sweet & Dr. Hook.  It was fun.  We didn't do the third day because of rain.  My only issue really was the venue.  There were tons of abandoned lawn chairs leaving no place for people to set up their own.

4.  We went to a family reunion at my In Laws.  It was the first time in probably 10 years that everyone was together.  We had a pig roast and tons of visiting time. 

5.  I spent a week with my parents.  My Dad had cataract surgery and I went to help out.  He recovered famously and appreciated my help.  Mom and I did a little shopping and we did a little eating out.  It was great.

6.  I found a routine.  During the regular school year and with my altered evening hours I don't get to do much in the way of "wife".  I loved the routine of suppertime being at a normal time.  I enjoyed our evening treat of  yogurt and berries.  My favorite part of the day was between 4:30 and 5 when I was waiting for Hubby to come home from work.  It all felt so good and normal.

7.  I got my health back.  In early August, something "clicked" and I drastically changed my eating habits.  Two weeks later I began feeling really really good...better than I've felt in years.  My doctor was pleased with my changes.  I've kept on.  I bought a scale and I've lost 16 pounds!  I'm so shocked and happy!  The hypothyroid girl *can* lose weight!

8.  I've been watching Criminal Minds.  I watch a couple episodes every evening.  I'm on season 6 currently.  I don't know what happens to summer tv.  It's either reruns or reality shows.  Thank goodness for the interwebs.

9.  I bought new cleaning impliments.  That might not mean much to some and trust me, I hate housework as much as the next guy.  BUT what I had just wasn't working and who is ever going to clean anything when you hate your mop?  Now I can scoot around cleaning and it isn't an all day chore.

10.  I just feel content and rested.  People are going to ask me what I did on vacation and yes, I've got a few things to tell them, but really this is the most important thing to me because I feel sane again!  I know that I can take on anything.  Even though I feel like I'm going into fall kicking and screaming I really do feel that I'm in a very good place and I can successfully wear that teacher hat once again.

Hope your summer was fantabulous and that your back to school day was amazing!