Friday, February 8, 2013

Grandma Larson's Casserole

I never had the pleasure of meeting Grandma Larson.  From what I know of her, she was a loving type of Grandma who liked to impart snippets of Scandinavian wisdom on her family.....and she did love her family deeply.  

I first tasted this casserole back in the early days of dating Hubby.  He'd made it with some left over curry rice,  I believe, and it tasted wonderful.  What's even better is that it is super easy to make and has ingredients that most of us have in our pantry.  Especially if you've stocked up at the 10 for $10 sale at the Co-Op like I have!

Ground beef 1 pound or a bit more
2 onions chopped
1 can of Chicken Noodle soup
1 can Cream of Mushroom soup
1 can water
1/2 cup rice

The brand of soup doesn't really matter but I've come to believe Campbell's is best and brings the most flavour.  Also, you can try with different flavours of cream soup if mushroom isn't your favourite.

In a large frying pan, brown the beef and cook the onions.  When cooked, add the soups, water, and rice.  Mix it well.  Pour into a large casserole dish or loaf pan.  Cook in the oven uncovered at 350*F for 1 1/2 hours.


  1. That's what Richard calls Rice Goulash... but he doesn't put in the creamy soup, just a can of Campbell's Veggie.

    I just bought a case of Campbell's at the store. They're great to have on hand cos you can make ANYTHING with it! They had ten for ten... and then they had the cases on sale for 7.99. There are 12 in a case. Weird.

    I love how it is that you, too, love your family deeply :)

    1. This cooks up really nice in a casserole dish. Hubby likes the crispy bits lol

      I think I just love deeply. It doesn't matter who you are. :D
