We aren't supposed to have special students. When asked we will deny that we think of some students over others. We treat everyone the same and have the same expectations but it would be a total lie if I didn't admit that some students find a way into my heart unlike others. There's been a few over the years but I won't name names. You know who you are.
If you've followed this series of blog posts then you'll know I played clarinet in elementary school and started organ lessons at the age of 12 which is late for most keyboard students. At age 17 I began teaching keyboard and working to get my grades with the Royal Conservatory in piano. I taught for several years in my home town before moving here in 2001.
At that point, I was feeling burnt out so I took a job in retail. I worked my way into management but never really got the respect I thought I deserved for my work. So, in 2005 I approached a teaching colleague and she hired me on the spot saying "what took you so long to come see me." I took over the Monday to Friday teaching slot at the Academy of Music and that was that.
I realized this was my true calling. The first day I returned to teaching gave me feelings like Scrooge waking on Christmas morning.
I've taught so many people over the years ranging in ages from 3 to 83. People tell me I'm a good teacher and while I feel confident it's hard to believe them when you keep striving to be better and better versions of yourself. Students come and go but it always amazes me when someone approaches me and says I was their piano teacher. Students grow up and change and teachers remain mostly the same. A few years ago I had this exact thing happen. A young lady at an outdoor concert kept staring at me. Finally she confessed that I was her piano teacher. I said "forgive me, but I don't recognize you." She told me who she was and yes, of course I had taught her! I've had this happen in stores and other places around the city too. I’ve also had the experience where a student said “you taught my dad” and yes I did.
I am rather oblivious to the year gap. The most popular age for a student to begin is age 7. I see them once a week and while I know they're growing up, suddenly they can drive and in a flash they have boyfriends and are starting university. That is, if I've had the pleasure of teaching them that long. Many many students often quit lessons in high school but there are those special ones who keep going.
How blessed am I to know these young people for so long! I've had a couple of these special people become teachers as well. I feel a lot of pride for their accomplishments but its also bitter sweet. My encounters with them make me a better teacher and have made me strive to be better year after year, exam after exam and festival after festival. I'm happy for them but always a bit sad too for the end of a relationship which honestly is a big part of my life but a miniscule part of theirs.
Some days are good and some are bad. Some students come to lessons emotional after school or elated over something else. I hear a lot of things from students and probably things that might make their parents shudder. I tell them stories, I ask about their day, ask what's new and always wish them well on their way out the door. They're free to talk and show honesty with me while getting down to the business of learning to play and appreciate music.
My main goal for my students is to make me obsolete. They should be able to learn, play and perform without me.
It's the end of an era when a special student moves on. I’m sure it’s far harder on me than it is on them. Meanwhile, I continue to do what I do. I make everyone feel special. I share the love of music everyday. The rewards are far greater than I ever could have imagined.
So when your kid says they want to take music lessons. Please, please do everything in your power to support them. Buy the books, buy the instrument, and show up at every event they're in.
And, take pictures all along the way because you just never know where it's going to lead.