Advent Calendars aren't something I remember having growing up. That's not to say they didn't exist, but I only recall the chocolate ones and I don't think I ever had one as a youngster. Over the last several years, countdown and advent calendars have definitely evolved from the chug all the chocolate on December first type. You can have an advent calendar of every type these days. I have jumped in with both feet over the last couple of years and 2022 is no exception.
The gateway calendar is a chocolate countdown. There is absolutely nothing wrong with picking up the regular chocolate calendar from your local Walmart. Pretty much every chocolate company makes one. I even saw one priced for $1.99 at the Shoppers Drug Mart. I'm sure they're all completely enjoyable. It seems, although I don't know from experience, that the Lindt calendars which I've seen at Costco seem to be one that many enjoy. There really isn't bad chocolate is there?
If you are a tea drinker like I've become then you'll know that one of the most adored calendars is produced from David's Tea. The first one I purchased was lovely and I really looked forward to having a special cup every evening. Customers ooh and ah over the designs every year and this countdown is one of the few which will give more than 1 cup of tea behind every door. This worked nicely for me if I enjoyed a particular flavour more because then I got to have extra cups. Lot's of calendars will provide one tea bag behind every numbered door. You may want to take that into consideration when purchasing. You want the most bang for the buck right!
Another sought after tea advent calendar is from Bird & Blend which is a tea retailer in England. I've been fortunate enough to have had this one the last couple of years. Their flavours are unique and really great. The big consideration with ordering with them is the shipping and handling and let's face it...we've all tightened our purse strings a little so while I LOVE this company whole heartedly, I have not purchased this one for 2022. What they provide that's a one-of-a-kind experience is a message board dedicated to their calendars and sharing with other tea drinkers.
So what did I buy this year?
I purchased 3 advent countdown to Christmas calendars.
Actually 4...but one isn't for me.
I purchased a tea advent calendar from Tea At The White House which despite its name is a Canadian tea company. This is a company in Ontario and when surfing their website, I'd compare them to the British Bird & Blend. They boast flavours like Sticky Toffee Pudding and Royal Chocolate Biscuit Cake. How could you possibly not want to test your taste buds with those?! This was very affordable and easily ordered. Each day consists of one tea bag and it's a mixture of non-caffeinated and caffeinated. I just wish I had also ordered their scone mix as well...
...I wish I had the scone mix because I also ordered the Bonne Maman calendar. I saw this one all over social media last year. It is a little tricky to get in Canada, but I was alerted by Youtuber Tea With Jann that it could be ordered from Papa Jack Popcorn. Bonne Mamman makes one of the best strawberry jams I've ever had and so much so I've gotten other family members hooked on it. They make a HUGE array of flavours. So, for the month of December, breakfasts will consist of toast and jam, English muffins and jam, crumpets and get the idea.
The most expensive advent calendar I spoiled myself with is from The Body Shop. As I said, literally everyone is coming out with these little gems, but the Body Shop countdown is anything but little. I stumbled upon it back in early September when visiting the store for some hand lotion. Not only was it on promo for its release but I was able to apply some loyalty coupons to the purchase and voila! It came home with me. The Body Shop has two calendars and the one I liberated was the lesser priced of the two. I've opened it and looked at the numbered boxes several times and I cannot wait to dive in on December 1st. I'm assuming the products are perhaps travel sized, but we have to wait and find out. I only dream of how luxurious the higher priced version must be!
The advent calendar which I purchased for someone else aka Hubby was a cheese calendar. Hey, I said they make them these days for everyone. It was already on my radar when I stumbled upon it in the deli section of my local Co-Op Marketplace. It must be refrigerated and is hidden in the bottom of our fridge so the mouse in the house doesn't decide to imbibe early. I also suspect I won't get many samples nor photos to share here or anywhere else. That being said, I will try to post a review in some form or fashion upon its completion.
So those are the advent countdown calendars hidden away in my house. Which one are you getting this year? Is this something your family participates in?
I'd like to give an honourable mention to a calendar I had last year which I thoroughly enjoyed was a Keurig coffee countdown which I purchased from a fantastic store called Ecs Coffee. I completely would have purchased it this year as well, but believe it or not, I did show some restraint with the boxes I did buy. We can't have them all! If you have a coffee lover in your life, by all means check this one out!
Every holiday season, I share mostly on Instagram what I've enjoyed each day so you can check that out when the time comes. I'm thinking of also writing blogs for my favourite of the week here as well. Regardless, how excited are you to dive into the holiday festivities! I know I can hardly wait.